How to play garrys mod on dx10

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It's absolutely insulting that NV chose to name their AFR solution as SLI as if to imply that it was in any way even remotely comparable (it wasn't, it was massively worse).Īgain, it has nothing to do with microstuttering. The last and really only good multi-GPU setup was the Voodoo and Voodoo 2 SLI because they actually did 'Scan-Line Interleave' hence the SLI moniker. SLI (AFR) just fucks with that in really really bad ways. Hence, you almost never saw SLI setups used in e-sports where that input->feedback loop was critically important. People that were less sensitive to this could either tolerate it or perhaps not even notice it, but anyone who had been gaming at high framerates because of the noticeable increase in the input->display feedback loops immediately noticed the jankiness of both AMD/ATi and NV's AFR solutions. This meant that in fast action games where high framerates were needed, there was a distinct and very noticeable disconnect between the input->display feedback loop compared to what you were visually seeing on the screen. It was that you had 2 frames of rendering for every 'real' frame of rendering while input was still based on the 'real' frame and not the 'alternate' frame. and the experience was just as bad.īandwidth had nothing to do with it. Most of my friends had NV setups, so, it's not like I didn't also game extensively on NV SLI setups.

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